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In other news The Who are planning on releasing new material despite the loss of their bass player John Entwistle in 2002. Wire & Glass, which contains two songs from their upcoming release titled Endless Wire was released in August. Wire & Glass is a 7 minute mini-opera, like A Quick One While He's Away and songs found on the album Tommy. This is The Who's first full length album release since It's Hard in 1982. For full tracklisting and cover art visit Pete Townshend's Website http://www.petetownshend.co.uk
The Who influenced many of the early punk bands I've played on my radio show such as The Clash, The Sex Pistols, Generation X, Ramones, Buzzcocks,and even newer bands like Pearl Jam and Green Day. Green Day for those of you who don't know, took The Who's idea of a rock opera and applied it to their punk-rock opera and album, American Idiot. It did extremely well. I think i'll play some Who on this Wednesdays upcoming show.
The Who influenced many of the early punk bands I've played on my radio show such as The Clash, The Sex Pistols, Generation X, Ramones, Buzzcocks,and even newer bands like Pearl Jam and Green Day. Green Day for those of you who don't know, took The Who's idea of a rock opera and applied it to their punk-rock opera and album, American Idiot. It did extremely well. I think i'll play some Who on this Wednesdays upcoming show.
I'll definately play some Who on this wednesdays show. Most likely Anyway, Anyhow, Anywhere, and another early track. Thanks for your feedback.
sure thing. i'l play a double shot of The Who on Wednesday. make sure to listen.
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